The Swiss Stem Cell Foundation is convinced that only by maintaining high educational and research standards we will succeed in becoming a reliable and constructive partner in the life sciences arena and, in particular, for applied research projects on stem cells.
The collaboration with EPFL in Lausanne, the Università dell’Insubria in Varese andl Politecnico di Torino in the training of postgraduates and the implementation of research doctorate programmes in biology, as well as postdoctoral education, has been operative since the beginning at SSCF by training many students doing their specialization, PhDs or internships. The Foundation in actively involved also in the training of college students who can be helped in writing their diploma papers or can take advantage of a day visit to our labs while deciding their professional future.
An important part of training is the spreading of scientific knowledge through research meetings. SSCF has been active in this training area as, since 2015, it organizes annually an international research meeting on stem cells. Other national events are planned from 2023 (check the “Meetings” page).