Research on stem cells and their applications in cell therapy promises to provide future treatment solutions for a number of pathologies associated with the degeneration of tissues, as well as being a ‘built-in remedy’ we all inherently possess since birth – a sort of endogenous treatment constituting the perfect medicine, customised to our individual needs and with no side effects.
The extent of such development is visible in figures and facts: during the last few years, our research team was – and still is – actively involved in the development of applied research projects on stem cells.
In 2004, the group of person that today works for SSCF, it has been the first in Switzerland to transplant stem cells into a heart suffering from myocardial infarction (a collaborative project implemented with CCT Cardiocentro Ticino of Lugano). Then, in 2005, we embraced the possibility of preserving stem cells in a certified structure, thus setting up the first clean room devoted to cell therapies in Switzerland, obtaining Swissmedic authorization in November 2008. In 2009, the year of SSCF foundation, the projects were redesigned with a view to creating tools facilitating the manipulation of stem cells for patient use.
In this connection, we cooperated with SUPSI (University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland) and actually we cooperate with CSEM (Centre Suisse d’Electronique et de Microtechnique) in the development of medical devices such as, for instance, a device for the separation of adipose-derived stem cells in a closed system, partially financed by the (KTI) Kommission für Technologie und Innovation of Bern.
The SSCF applied research approach finds an expression in projects where engineering is applied to life sciences, medicine, cell biology and molecular biology, paving the way for new developments and perspectives that can improve patients’ quality of life.